Nantes 2016. Jane Lury antique quilt collection exhibition

 Nantes 2016 was FABULOUS. Writing about it would have taken me days that's why I have decided to post mainly photos. You will notice that they are several close-ups. The reason is that I focused on many details to remember them.

The Antique quilts in the Jane Lury exhibition were breathtaking. It is really moving to see such pieces.

Enjoy the photos.

Until next post,


  1. Gorgeous! My husband gave me the book for Mother's Day, you were so lucky to see these in person.

  2. Gasp! They are so beautiful. It's hard to believe that anyone could make these intricate designs. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Antique quilts are so full of memories and beautifully aged with time. I like the idea of them being 'preloved', it conveys such a special feeling ! And may be a reason why we feel so moved when looking at them :-)


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